“Seeing the forest through the trees”
Macrosynergy began as an macro oriented asset management company and has had to adapt, develop and change to fit the current climate. From a research and asset management company, we have evolved into a macroeconomic research and technology company driven by data and employing machine and statistical learning techniques. Transforming macroeconomic data into tradable, investible strategies is at the core of what we do. Our mission is to help asset managers – pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, money managers – to improve their portfolio returns by employing our technology. As a constantly developing and changing entity, the new identity had to fit this dynamic rhythm. It had to be something that could move along side the company as it changes its faces representing the fundamental values and foundations that began Macrosynergy in 2009. After finnishing the new identity I was also hired to design the new website, I developed the UX and UI, I worked closely with the developers in order to create an online platform that represented them at this new phase of their business.
“Seeing the forest for its trees” is the quote they wanted to keep at the for front of the company and of their new identity. The environment is such a crucial topic of conversation that all professions have to keep it in mind when working. The three trees are there to stand as a symbol for solidity and growth. Furthermore having started with three founders and then developed to having another three founders in its new phase, the number 3 is the consistent number of pillars that has held Macrosynergy together all these year.

Credits & details
Constanza Pinto